Information about the HOA
can be found here, click on the arrows
to expand each section:
The Community Association is responsible for management, maintenance, operation, and control of all common areas within the Avery Park Community. The Association is the primary entity responsible for enforcement of the community’s governing documents and also for administering and enforcing the community’s architectural standards and controls. The Association is authorized to levy assessments for common area expenses, and those expenses are shared by the membership based on the number of lots each member owns.
Every owner is a member of the Community Association and has one equal vote for each lot owned, except that there may only be one membership per lot (co-owners share all membership privileges, but can only cast one vote as set forth in the Association By-Laws).
A Board of Directors, nominated and voted on by the Association members, governs the affairs of the Association. The number of Directors on the Board is at least three, but can vary as directed by Board resolution. Under current resolution, there can be as many as five Directors on the Board. Each Board member serves for a term of one year, but may be nominated and voted into office to serve subsequent terms. The powers and duties of the Board are delineated in the Association’s governing documents .
The Board is required to hold a meeting at least once each quarter, but typically meets on a monthly basis.
Board Composition Members:
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Directors-at- large
Reporting Board:
Board Chair Architectural Review Board
Standing Committees:
Grounds Committee
Facilities Committee
Social Committee
Trails Committee
Amenities Planning Committee
Garden Club
Book Club
Steward of Little Free Library
Meal Train
Annual Member Meeting: A meeting of the Association membership is held annually (usually in early November) to nominate and vote for the next term’s Board of Directors, and to conduct any other business set forth in the Notice of Meeting.
HOA Board Meetings: The Board of Directors meet regularly to discuss association business. The Meeting Agenda, Location and Zoom link are provided in advance for community members that would like to listen in. For community members that are able to join in person, there is time at the beginning of the meeting to communicate concerns to the Board of Directors.
Special Member Meeting: The Board President may call a special meeting of the membership whenever s/he deems it necessary. In addition, the President must call a special meeting within 30 days if (1) so directed by resolution of the Board or (2) upon receipt of a petition signed by at least ten percent of the members
General Assessment: The Board levies a general assessment each year based on its budget for the coming year. The budget takes into account both expenses for day-to-day operation and maintenance of the community’s common areas and for the long-term replacement and major repair of the community’s facilities and infrastructure components. The owners of all assessable lots equally share the general assessment levied. The general assessment is invoiced in two equal payments due on January 1 and July 1 of each year.
Special Assessment: The Board is authorized to levy special assessments to cover unbudgeted expenses in excess of the budgeted expenses for the year. The owners of all assessable lots equally share the special assessment levied. The special assessment is due on the date specified in the special assessment notification letter.
The Board may levy a special assessment against one or more specific lot owners to cover costs incurred in bringing a lot(s) into compliance with the terms of the Association’s Governing Documents or as a consequence of the conduct of the Owner or occupants of lot, their agents, contractors, employees, licensees, invitees, or guests.
The annual general assessment is due in two equal payments, one on January 1st and the other on July 1st, each year. For 2023, the total general assessments are $1,300 per assessable lot.
In addition to pertinent laws of the State of North Carolina, the following documents constitute the “governing documents” of the Avery Park Community Association:
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Avery Park
Second Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Avery Park
By-Laws of Avery Park Community Association, Inc.
Avery Park Articles of Incorporation
Articles of Incorporation of Avery Park Community Association
Reasonable numbers, determined by the Board, of common household pets are welcome in Avery Park. All pets must meet Buncombe County and North Carolina requirements for pet licensing, rabies, inoculations, etc.
All pets must be reasonably controlled by an owner and should be kept in such a manner as to not cause or create a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance or noise within the community. In accordance with Buncombe County Ordinance, all dogs are to be restrained on a leash whenever they are not on the owner’s property. A pet owner is responsible for all of the pet’s actions within the community.
No animals may be kept, bred or maintained for commercial purposes without prior written Board approval. Other than common household pets, no other animals, livestock, or poultry may be raised, bred, kept or permitted within the community.