Architectural Review Board (ARB): The Avery Park ARB was established to enhance consistency, compliance and equity in the implementation of policies, plans, and governing documents pertaining to the physical development of Avery Park. The ARB serves as an arm of the Board to ensure compliance with protective restrictions, and the compatibility of construction, design, and maintenance of each Property/Lot as specified in the community’s Architectural Design Standards.
Architectural Design Standards: The Association’s Architectural Design Standards [provide a link to this document in the previous section] set forth the policies and procedures to assist the ARB, owners, architects and contractors through the Architectural Review Process. The Board of Directors strongly believe that the only way the natural beauty of Avery Park can be protected and preserved while developing an attractive and desirable community to live in is by the consistent administration and strict adherence to the Architectural Design Standards and the Architectural Review Process.
Architectural Review Process: The Architectural Review Process, as described in the Architectural Design Standards, for new home construction and/or other prominent structures consists of a Preliminary Plan Review, a Final Construction Plan Review and specified on-site Construction Reviews to verify that the actual construction is in conformance with the approved Final Construction Plans. The Architectural Review Process nears conclusion after the construction (including all proposed and required landscaping) is completed and the Association makes its Final Review. If the project is in compliance, the Final Review is signed off as approved with written notification of completion being sent to the Owner and the process is concluded. If the project is found to be incomplete or is not in compliance with the approved plans, the Association will take action based on recommendations from the ARB to ensure completion and/or compliance of the project. Owners are strongly encouraged to work with an architect who is knowledgeable and experienced in mountain home design and construction. Owners can find all of the forms required by the ARB (and Architectural Design Standards) in the “Owners Only” section of this website.
If you would like to know more about the community’s ARB or Architectural Design Standards, please feel free to contact the ARB Chair, Dave Schaaf.
Click to View, Download or Print the following ARB documents/forms: