[2024-2] – Dip in Road at Smokemont Culvert [IN PROCESS – WAITING ON VENDOR]
Project: 2024-2
Several road contractors were solicited for proposals on how to address this issue.
Recommendations ranged from re-paving the area to waiting until the next scheduled road paving to repair the dip.
While the magnitude of the dip is not significant at this time, we elected to get an engineering consult prior to taking action.
ECS has been retained to perform an engineering assessment before taking further action.
Update August 14, 2024
Initial report from the engineer found that the culvert was structurally sound.
The remaining repair will involve adding asphalt to fill in the dip.
The board is evaluating the cost benefit of making that repair now vs deferring until the next road resurfacing.
Update August 19, 2024:
The initial feedback from the engineer found that the culvert is not structurally impaired.
We are waiting on the engineer’s final report, which includes an assessment of the road matter to determine our next steps.
We hope to get that report sometime this week.